Dizano tijesto za višku pogaču / The dough for stuffed bread

300 g oštrog brašna, 300 g glatkog brašna, pola kocke svježeg kvasca, 1 žličica soli, 1 žličica šećera, topla voda, 1 dl maslinovog ulja i 1 dl za premazivanje.

Ingredients : 
300 g flour and 300 g sharp flour , half a cube of fresh yeast , 1 teaspoon salt , 1 teaspoon sugar , hot water , 1 dl olive oil and 1 dl oil  for coating .


U veću posudu izmrviti kvasac, dodati šećer i 1 žlicu brašna. Uliti 1-2 dl tople vode, izmiješati da se kvasac otopi ...važno je i poželjno to učiniti rukom! 
Staviti na posudu u kojoj je topla voda, pokriti krpom. Neka se poveća dvostruko.
Prosijati obe vrste brašna i dodati u posudu s kvascem... 

 In a larger bowl crumble the yeast , add sugar and 1 tablespoon flour . Pour 1-2 dl hot water , stir to dissolve yeast ... it is important and desirable to do it by hand ! Put on the container in which is the hot water, cover with a cloth . Let doubles . Sift both types of flour and add to the bowl with the yeast ...


...posoliti i dodati 1-2 dl tople vode i maslinovo ulje... Tijesto mora biti dosta mekano... 

... Salt and add 1-2 dl warm water and olive oil ... The dough should be quite soft ...

Dodati još vode ako nije kao na slici... Mijesiti i lupati rukom što je moguće duže...bar 10 - ak min. Premazati ruke uljem da se ne lijepi prilikom mijesenja.

Add more water if it is not like this in the picture ... Knead the batter by hand as long as possible ... at least 10 - odd minutes . Coat your hands with oil does not stick during kneading .

Kad se počnu pojavljivati mjehurići premazati ostatkom ulja, pokriti krpom i ostaviti da se udvostruči količina.

When bubbles begin to appear smear the rest of the oil , cover with a cloth and leave to double the amount .
