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Arancini / Candied orange peel |
Podijelite radost grickanja ovih predivnih arancina s onima koji to zaslužuju i svakako ih darujte prijateljima.
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Kora naranče, kristal šećer, voda.Priprema:
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U prikladnu posudu staviti vodu da prokuha. Dodati kore naranče i kuhati jednu minutu nakon što je ponovo prokuhala. Ocijediti kore, a u posudu uliti čistu vodu i opet staviti na vatru da prokuha. Kad prokuha dodati kore i kuhati jednu minutu od kad ponovo prokuha. Ponoviti to pet puta. Svaki put su kore manje gorke i to je takozvano odgorčavanje!
Narezati kore na štapiće, rezance širine 3-4 mm.
Izvagati... pa na 100 g kora ide 80 g šećera i 1 dl vode otprilike!
Najbolje je odjednom raditi koru od dvije naranče, najviše tri.
Kad postane staklasto i prozirno dodati korice i kuhati na srednje jakoj vatri dok se sva šećerna smjesa...otopina ne upije u korice...
Otprilike to bude nakon 8 - 10 min, što ovisi o količini.
Pripremiti list masnog papira za pečenje i na njega izvaditi korice. Rasporediti ih pomoću dvije vilice ili štapića da se ne dodiruju i ostaviti sat - dva...
Posuti ih šećerom i lagano uvaljati.
Ponovo ih rasporediti na papir i ostaviti nekoliko sati ... najbolje preko noći.
Sutra imate predivne i najljepše ikad - arancine izvana hrskave, iznutra mekane i sočne...čisti žele!...
Savršenstvo od obične korice!
Candied orange peel
Share the joy of biting these amazing arancini - candied orange zest with those who deserve it and certainly make them for your friends.
They will be delighted I am sure ...
Orange peel, crystal sugar, water.
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
In a suitable pot put the water to boil. Add orange peel and cook for one minute after the re-boil. Drain peel and pour into the pot clean water and again put on the fire to boil. When it boils add the peel and cook one minute from when the boil again. Repeat this five times. Every time they bark less bitter and it is a so-called disembitterment!
Slice the peel into sticks, strips the width of 3-4 mm.
Weigh ...on 100 g bark goes to 80 g of sugar and 1 dl water around!
It is best to work with peel of two oranges, a maximum of three at the one time.
In a wide pan or bowl put the water and dissolve the sugar.
When it becomes vitreous and crystalline add peel and cook over medium heat until all the sugar mixture is absorbed in the peel ...
Approximately this is after 8 - 10 minutes, depending on the amount.
Prepare a sheet of wax paper for baking and on it put the peel. Deploy them using two forks or sticks that they do not touch and leave an hour - two ... Sprinkle them with sugar and gently roll. Re-arrange them on paper and leave a few hours ... preferably overnight.
Tomorrow you have a wonderful and beautiful ever - arancini crispy outside, tender and juicy on the inside ... Perfection of ordinary peel - candied orange peel !
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