Sjaj u tavi / Glow in the pan

Sjaj u tavi

Scroll down for recipe in English...

Na ovaj način možete pripremiti odreske od bilo koje vrste mesa bez straha da neće bljesnuti istim sjajem...

4 svinjska odreska od buta ili kotleta, debljine između 1 - 2 cm, 2 žlice senfa, 1 žličica meda, 1 čen češnjaka, 
3 žlice whiskeya ili konjaka, 5 - 6 žlica vrhnja za kuhanje, 1 žlica maslaca, sok pola limuna, sol, papar i ulje.

Postupak pripreme ovih odrezaka i zelenog pirea pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Odreske posoliti, popapriti i nauljiti. Dobro ugrijati tavu s 2 žlice ulja i peći odreske rumeno s obje strane, ali kratko i na jakoj vatri. 
Izvaditi ih i premazati senfom najprije s jedne strane i vratiti u istu tavu ... 
Premazati ih senfom i s gornje strane i nastaviti pržiti po 4 min sa svake strane. 
Dodati ulja ako je potrebno i smanjiti vatru.
Usitniti češnjak i dodati. Kad zamiriše zaliti mješavinom konjaka i meda, potom vrhnjem i kad prokuha uliti malo vode ako je pregusto... umiješati sok limuna i maslac na kraju!

Sjaj u tavi


Glow in the pan

Sjaj u tavi

This way you can prepare steaks of any kind of meat without fear that they will not flash the same brilliance ...

4 pork chops from the leg or chops, thickness between 1-2 cm, 2 tablespoons mustard, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 clove garlic, 3 tablespoons whiskey or cognac, 5-6 tablespoon of cooking cream, 1 tablespoon of butter, juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper and oil. 

The process of preparing these great steaks and green puree look at our video recipe ...

Steaks... salt, pepper and oiled. Good warm pan with 2 tablespoons of oil and bake steaks on both sides, but short and very high heat. Remove them and smear with mustard, first the one side and return to the same pan ... Coat them with mustard and the upper side and continue to fry for 4 min on each side. Add oil if needed, and reduce the heat. Chop the garlic and add. When garlic smell pour a mixture of brandy and honey, then cream and bring to the boil pour a little water if too thick ... mix lemon juice and butter in the end!
Sjaj u tavi

