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Lasagne s piletinom |
Scroll down for recipe in English...
Iznenadit će vas blago profinjenim okusom, ali ni izgled ne ostavlja drugačiji dojam. Valovi svježeg, zelenog tijesta, sjeckane piletine i baršunasto bijelog bešamela, zapljusnut će i preplavit vaše nepce...
Sastojci za ragu:
1 pileća prsa oko 350 g, 1 crveni luk, 200 g šampinjona, 2 mrkve, sol, papar, 2 dl bijelog vina, svježi bosiljak ili sušeni, 1/2 l pileće juhe.
Za bešamel:
1 l mlijeka, 5 žlica brašna, malo punijh, 200 g maslaca, malo muškatnog oraščića, vrećica ili dvije parmezana, sol i bijeli papar.
Tijesto - lasagne napraviti po receptu... http://zlicomivilicom.blogspot.ba/2015/11/tijesto-za-lazanje.html
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Pileća prsa usitniti na dasci ili multipraktiku ali ne da bude pašteta...
Popržiti na ulju sitno sjeckani crveni luk i dodati meso. Kad potpuno pobijeli posoliti, popapriti i zaliti vinom. Kad vino ispari dodati mrkvu narezanu na najsitnije kockice i gljive na listiće.
Kratko pirjati i zaliti s malo juhe... Maknuti nakon desetak min.
Za bešamel otopiti maslac u dubljoj posudi i dodati brašno. Kratko ga pržiti i zaliti hladnim mlijekom. Miješati pjenjačom - žicom brzo da se ne stvore grudice i u 2-3 puta umiješati cijelu količinu mlijeka. Kuhati na laganoj vatri miješajući da se ne primi za dno... Kad se zgusne maknuti s vatre i dodati sir, sol, muškat, papar. Dobro promiješati!
Tijesto prokuhati u kipućoj vodi samo 2-3 min... Slagati u oblik za pečenje 35 x 45 cm otprilike. Maslacem premazati posudu i slagati redom...Na dno staviti malo bešamela zatim tijesto pa piletinu, preliti s bešamelom, opet tijesto i tako sve dok ne potrošite sastojke ...trebala bi biti četiri reda... Između svakog sloja natrgati listiće bosiljka po 2-3 listića.
Složene lazanje zaliti ostatkom juhe i staviti peći... Peći 30 - 40 min na 200°C u dobro zagrijanoj pećnici.
Lasagne with chicken ragout
You will be amazed mildly refined taste , and appearance does not leave a different impression . Waves of fresh , green dough , chopped chicken and velvety white béchamel , overwhelmed and will flood your palate ...
Ingredients for ragout :
1 chicken breast 350 g , 1 onion , 200 g button mushrooms , 2 carrots , salt , pepper , 2 dl white wine , fresh basil or dried, 1/2 l chicken broth .
For the bechamel :
1 liter of milk , 5 tablespoons of flour , 200 g butter , a little nutmeg , bag or two of grated Parmesan cheese , salt and white pepper .
Dough - lasagne make the recipe ... http://zlicomivilicom.blogspot.ba/2015/11/tijesto-za-lazanje.html
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
Chicken breast chop on a board or food processor but not too much that is not pate ... Fry in oil finely chopped onion and add the meat . When completely turns white salt, pepper and pour wine . When the wine evaporates add the carrots cut into tiniest cubes and mushrooms into slices .Shortly simmer and pour over a little soup ... Remove after about ten minutes .
For the bechamel melt the butter in a deeper pan and add the flour . Briefly fry it and pour cold milk . Stir with a whisk quickly to avoid creating lumps and 2-3 times interferes whole milk . Cook over low heat , stirring to not receive the bottom ... When it thickens remove from heat and add the cheese , salt , nutmeg and pepper . Stir well !
The dough boile in boiling water for only 2-3 minutes ...
Put in shape for baking 35 x 45 cm approx .
Butter coated baking shape and stacked in a row ... On the bottom put a little béchamel then the dough, chicken and pour the béchamel , the dough again and so on until you spend ingredients ... should be four rows ... Between each layer add the basil leaves 2-3 leaves . Lasagne pour the rest of the broth and place in oven ... Bake 30-40 minutes at 200 ° C in a well- heated oven .
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