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Zaplovite s nama i našim moreplavcima i prepustite se slasnim valovima vječnog mora miline...
3 plava patlidžana, 200 g mljevene junetine, 200 g šunke ili mesnate slanine, 2 manje rajčice, 2 žlice ribanog parmezana, 2 žlice krušnih mrvica, 1 jaje, 10- ak listova bosiljka, 1 crveni luk, 2-3 češnja češnjaka, 1dl bijelog vina, maslinovo ulje, sol i papar.
Za umak:
1 manji crveni luk, 1 češanj češnjaka, 200 g pelati ili prethodno skuhana šalša.
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Patlidžane oprati, osušiti i na pola prerezati.
Izdubiti srednji dio, posoliti iznutra i ostaviti petnaestak min okrenute da se cijedi...
Na ulju popržiti usitnjenu slaninu, dodati luk, kad povene i meso. Posoliti, popapriti i pržiti 5 - 6 min. Izdubljeni dio patlidžana sitno narezati i dodati mesu... nastaviti pržiti zajedno još 4-5 min...Malo ohladiti, umiješati sve navedene sastojke...
Napuniti lađice od patlidžana. Neka bude dosta visok nadjev...
Složiti u posudu za pečenje, prethodno nauljenu...
Za umak na malo ulja popržiti usitnjeni luk i češnjak. Dodati pelate ili svježe rajčice ... ako je kiselo dodati žličicu šećera, posoliti i kuhati desetak min. Samljeti štapnim mikserom i uliti između lađica.
Pokriti folijom i peći na 200°C u ugrijanoj pećnici oko dvadeset min. Maknuti foliju, preliti vinom i nastaviti peći još 20 min...ako treba doliti i malo vode i obavezno politi maslinovim uljem zadnjih 5 min pečenja.
Stuffed eggplants
Sail with us and our stuffed eggplants and enjoy the tasty waves of the eternal sea of grace ...
3 eggplants , 200 g of ground beef , 200 g of ham or bacon , 2 small tomatoes , 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese , 2 tablespoons bread crumbs , 1 egg , 10- odd basil leaves , 1 onion , 2-3 cloves of garlic , 1 dl white wine , olive oil , salt and pepper .
For the sauce :
1 small onion , 1 clove of garlic , 200 g of tomato sauce or pre- cooked tomato sauce .
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
Eggplants washed , dried and cut in half . Hollow out the middle part , season with salt inside and leave fifteen minutes turned to drain ... On oil, fry chopped bacon , add the onions , then the meat . Add salt , pepper and fry 5-6 minutes . Hollowed out part of eggplant finely sliced and add to the meat ... continue to fry together for 4-5 min ... A little cool , mix all the ingredients ...
Fill the boats of eggplant . Let it be quite high filling ... Put them in a baking pan , previously greased ... For the sauce in a little oil fry the chopped onion and garlic . Add peeled tomatoes or fresh tomatoes ... if it sour add a teaspoon of sugar , salt and cook for about ten minutes . Grind blender and pour it between the
boats . Cover with foil and bake at 200 ° C in the preheated oven for about twenty minutes . Remove the foil , pour the wine and bake for another 20 minutes ... and add a little water and be sure to add olive oil last 5 minutes of baking .
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