Macaronsi / Macarons

Nakon niza neuspjeha i u trenutku kad sam skoro odustala od izrade na ovaj način, pojavila se vila spasiteljica, moja draga fb prijateljica, a sada i u stvarnom životu, Milica Livaja i evo rezultata kratkog druženja u mojoj kuhinji... Zeleni su njenih ruku djelo, a ja ponosno pokazujem svoje prve po istoj recepturi. 
Milica je čudesna, drugačija..baš kao što su čudesni njeni makaronsi, kolači i torte - Menus plaisiris...
Hvala Milica, za ovu lakoću, opuštenost i užitak ...Uživajte i vi u ovim predivnim makaronsima!

After a series of failures in the moment when I almost gave up on making it this way, there was a fairy rescuer, my dear friend on fb, and now in real life, Milica Livaja and here are the results of a brief gathering in my kitchen ... Green was making her, and I proudly show my first following the same recipe. Milica is wonderful, different .. just as miraculous are her macarons, cakes - Menus plaisiris ...  Thank Milica, for this ease, relaxation and pleasure ... Enjoy in this beautiful macarons!

7O g bjelanjaka, 50 g kristal šećera, 80 g badema, 120 g prah šećera 

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

2-3 dana ranije odvojiti bjelanjke i izvagati 70 g, a to su otprilike 2 jaja ...pokriti prozirnom folijom, napraviti nekolike rupice čačkalicom i ostaviti u hladnjaku ...2-3 sata prije pripreme izvaditi ih hladnjaka.
Bademe prokuhati 2-3 min, ocijediti i skinuti kožicu, pa ih osušiti u pećnici na niskoj temperaturi ili kupiti već očišćene, u listićima. 
Samljeti ih sitno, najbolje u mlincu za kavu s dijelom šećera u prahu, da se ne skaši...
Istući bjelanjke na srednjoj brzini miksera u snijeg i dodati kristal šećer u 2-3 puta ...Miksati isto tako ...dok ne postane satenasto sjajno i gusto toliko da mali roščići ostaju na metlicama miksera uspravno...
Dodati prosijane bademe s prah šećerom odjednom i početi miješati, preklapati silikonskom špatulom...  
Preklapanje raditi u kružnim pokretima i napraviti ih oko 40...Završiti kad smjesa pada s metlica kao lava i fino se razlije bez da ostavi onaj vršak...
Na pek papir ili silikonski kalup za makarons... ... istiskivati hrpice oko 3 cm promjera iz vrećice za ukrašavanje torti...
7O g egg whites, 50 grams of crystal sugar, 80 g almonds, 120g icing sugar 
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

2-3 days earlier separate egg whites and weighs 70 g, which are approximately 2 eggs ... cover with plastic wrap, make a few holes with a toothpick and leave in the fridge ... 2-3 hours before preparing remove them from cooler. Almonds boil for 2-3 minutes, drain and remove the skin, and dry them in the oven at low temperature or buy already cleaned the leaves. Grind them finely, preferably in a coffee grinder with a portion of powdered sugar. Beat the egg whites on medium speed mixer in the snow and add crystal sugar 2-3 times ... Mix also ... until satin shiny and thick so that small horns remain upright on mixer blades ...

Add sieved almonds with powdered sugar and begin to mix, overlap with silicone spatula ... Overlapping work in a circular motion and make them about 40 ... Finish when the mixture falls as lava and fine spills without leaving the tip ... On the baking paper or silicone mold for macarons ... ... displace pile of about 3 cm in diameter from the bag for decorating the cake ...

Podignuti lim i naglo ga ispustiti iz ruku, da padne na stol, kako bi se smjesa fino razlila ...ostaviti oko 45 min do 1 sat da se suši na zraku...suho je kad dotaknete prstom, a ništa ne ostaje.
Peći u ugrijanoj pećnici 12 min na 140°C...Pećnicu samo pred kraj otvoriti na kratko da izađe vlaga...
Gotovi su kad sami otpadaju s papira...

Lift the baking dish and suddenly drop out of hand, that falls on the table, so that the mixture of fine spilled ... leave about 45 minutes to 1 hour to dry in the air ... dry when touching a finger, and nothing remains . Bake in preheated oven for 12 minutes at 140 ° C oven ... just before the end of open briefly to leave moisture ... They're done when they themselves fall off the paper ...


Po dva spojiti kremom... 

Two connect with cream ...

100 g čokolade, bijele ili tamne, 100 ml vrhnja, 1-2 žlice marmelade od naranče

Vrhnje ugrijati do vrenja i preliti izlomljenu čokoladu...miješati da se otopi i u hladno umiješati marmeladu ..napuniti vrećicu i spojiti kolačiće...UŽITAK SLIJEDI!

100 g of chocolate, white or dark, 100 ml cream for cooking, 1-2 tablespoons of orange marmalade Warm cream to a boil and pour over the broken chocolate ... mix to dissolve and mix the jelly in cold .. fill the bag and connect cookies ...Its a real pleasure!!!!
