Znamo da bečki odrezak i nije baš nešto čime bismo vas mogli iznenaditi, ali i nije baš tako...

We know that Wiener schnitzel is not something that we just might surprise you , but is not like that ...



4 svinjska odreska ( od najmekšeg dijela buta, a to je ruža ili 4 odreska od pilećih prsa, a da ne budu manji od 200 g svaki ), 2 češnja češnjaka, 2 jaja, 2-3 žlice brašna, krušne mrvice, 2 limuna,
sol, papar, ulje za prženje

4 pork chops ( from the softest part of the leg , and that is a rose or 4 slices of chicken breast , but not to be less than 200 g each ) , 2 cloves garlic , 2 eggs , 2-3 tablespoons flour , breadcrumbs , 2 lemons , salt , pepper , oil for frying


->Odreske, posebno vrijedi za pileće, pokriti prozirnom folijom i lagano natući
->Izmiješati sok 1 limuna, soli i papra pa u to staviti odreske i pustiti da se marinira najmanje 15 min 
->Pripremiti 3 posude 
->U prvu staviti brašno, u drugu izmućena jaja i u treću krušne mrvice  

- > Steaks , is especially true for the chicken , cover with plastic wrap and gently pull down
- > Mix the juice of 1 lemon , salt and pepper in it put the steaks and let it marinate for at least 15 min
- > Prepare three containers
- > In the first place the flour , beaten eggs in another and a third breadcrumbs


->Tim redom uvaljajte odreske ( najprije u brašno, pa u jaja i na kraju u mrvice ) 

- > In that order roll steaks ( first in flour , then in egg and finally in breadcrumbs )


->Kad ste sve uvaljali ostaviti ih nekoliko minuta 
->Pržiti na tavi...  u vrućem i dubokom ulju, dok ne dobiju lijepu zlatnu boju s obje strane

- > When you dump all leave them a few minutes 
- > Fry in a pan ... 
in hot and deep oil until they get a nice golden color on both sides

->Između odrezaka dok se prže staviti 1 neoguljeni češnjak u komadu 
->Gotove odreske staviti na upijajući papir koji će popiti višak ulja 

- > Between steaks while fried put 1 unpeeled garlic in one piece 
- > Finished steaks put on absorbent paper to absorb excess oil

->Servirati s prilozima kao što je grašak, blitva, špinat, rajčica ili s pomfritom i tartar umakom...

- > Serve with attachments such as peas , chard , spinach , tomatoes or with fries and tartar sauce ...

