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Osso buco |
1 teleća koljenica, 1 veća glavica luka, 2 mrkve, 2 grančice selena, po mogućnosti slatkog - stablaša, 400 g rajčice, može i pelati, 2 dl bijelog vina, sol, papar, ulje i 2-3 žlice brašna.
Pogledajte i naš video recept za malo drugačiji osso buco...
Koljenicu narezati na kriške debele oko 2 cm. Posoliti i uvaljati u brašno - ne previše ! Pržiti u dobro zagrijanom ulju rumeno s obje strane.
Let's go to Italy! Join us !
1 veal shank, 1 large onion, 2 carrots, 2 sprigs of celery, 400 g tomatoes, 2 dl white wine, salt, pepper, oil and 2-3 tablespoons of flour.
Watch our video recipe for a little different osso buco...
Shank cut into thick slices about 2 cm. Season with salt and roll in flour - not too much! Fry in hot oil on both sides.
Izvaditi i držati sa strane, a u istu posudu dodati još ulja ako treba i zažutiti narezani luk, mrkvu i selen.
Remove and keep aside, and in the same pan add more oil if necessary and fry the chopped onion, carrot and celery.
Kad je omekšalo zaliti vinom i kuhati dok ispari...dodati rajčice ili pelate...
When tender, pour the wine and cook until evaporated add tomatoes or peeled tomatoes from a can ...
Kratko pirjati i preliti meso u posudi za pečenje...
Shortly simmer and pour over the meat in the baking pan ...
Peći na 200°C prvih 15-20 min pokriveno folijom...Otvoriti i peći još toliko ...
Ako vam je draže da je umak jednoličan i kremast tada povrće smiksajte štapnim mikserom, a ako volite rustikalniji izgled ostavite kako jest.
Bake at 200 ° C for the first 15-20 minutes covered with foil... Remove the foil and bake another 20 min... If you prefer that the sauce is creamy then the vegetables mix with blender, and if you love the rustic look then leave as it is.
Za prilog predlažem najbolji rižoto na svijetu - slavni MILANSKI!
As a side dish I suggest the best risotto in the world - the famous Milanese!
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