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Prhki vijenac od oraha / Walnut crown |
Evo još jedan takav, meni i dalje najdraži od svih koje sam do sada probala...
250 g brašna, 120 g masla ili margarina, 70 g šećera, 1 jaje, pola pecilnog praška ,1 šećer vanilija
2 bjelanjka, 60 g šećera, 1 šećer vanilija, 2 žlice ruma ,150 g sjeckanih oraha
150 g prah šećera, 2 žlice ruma, 1 vanil šećer, 2 žlice vode
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....
Prosijati brašno, umrviti maslac, utrljati dlanovima da dođe u mrvice... Dodati šećer, jaje i vaniliju i umijesiti tijesto. Čim se spoji ostaviti i ne mijesiti više da ne ožilavi.
Pripremiti nadjev... Umutiti snijeg od bjelanjaka, u 2 puta dodati šećer i 2 žlice ruma. Pomiješati s orasima.
Premazati tanko razvaljano tijesto ( tijesto valjati na peka papiru na kojem će se i peći, ne premješta se jer je jako mekano ).
Svinuti u rolat i po želji u okrugli vijenac .. ili ostaviti ovako kako sam ja ...tako je radila moja nona Milka...
Pred kraj pečenja pripremiti glazuru - izmiješati sve navedeno i kad se kolač na pola ohladi preliti ga ovom glazurom... sama se fino razlije na toplom kolaču...I da napomenem kolač uvijek ispuca dok se peče i u tome je njegova draž i ljepota...tako i treba biti! Okus je savršen!!!
I love cakes that reflect the breath of the past, especially the ones that I inherited from my mother and my dear grandmother Milka! Here's another one of those, still my favorite... of all that I have ever tasted ...
For the dough:
250g flour, 120g butter or margarine, 70 g sugar, 1 egg, half of baking powder, 1 vanilla sugar
For filling.:
2 egg whites, 60 g sugar, 1 vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons of rum, 150 g of chopped walnuts
For the glaze:
150g icing sugar, 2 tablespoons rum, 1 vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons water
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ....
Sift the flour, add the butter, rub with your hands to come into crumbs ... Add sugar, egg and vanilla and knead the dough. As soon as dough connect leave it and not to knead more that it becomes tough.
Prepare the stuffing ... Whisk the egg whites and in 2 times add sugar and 2 tablespoons rum. Mix with nuts.
Coat thinly rolled dough (dough roll on baking paper on which to bake and not move it because it is very soft).
Bent into a roll and, if desired, in a round wreath .. or leave it the way I am ... like made my grandmother Milka ...
Bake for about 30 minutes at 170 ° C.
Towards the end of baking prepare the glaze - Mix all of the above and when the cake in half cools off pour the glaze ... itself is fine spilled on hot cake ... I have to mention the cake still cracks while baking and that is his charm and beauty. ..so it should be! The taste is perfect !!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrago mi je Željana,jer je zaista poseban a od malo sastojaka i to uobičajenih!