Pohani sendviči od tikvica s okusom pizze / Fried zucchini sandwiches pizza flavoured

Pohani sendviči od tikvica s okusom pizze / Fried zucchini sandwiches pizza flavoured
Pohani sendviči od tikvica s okusom pizze / Fried zucchini sandwiches pizza flavoured

Tikvice! Sezona još traje i nije kraj uživanju u njima... 

Zucchini! The season is still going on and it's not the end of enjoying them ...


- 2 tikvice (400gr) / 2 zucchini (400gr)
- 100 gr ementalera / 100 gr of emmental cheese
- 100 gr šunke / 100 gr ham
- 200 gr rajčice / 200 gr tomatoes
- 1 žličica origana / 1 tsp od oregano
- 2 jaja / 2 eggs
- sol / salt
- 3-4 žlice brašna / 3-4 tbsp all purpose flour
- 150-200 ml biljnog ulja / 150-200 ml of vegetable oil

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ...

Pohani sendviči od tikvica s okusom pizze / Fried zucchini sandwiches pizza flavoured
