Pečena svinjetina u pećnici / Roasted pork from the oven

Pečena svinjetina u pećnici  / Roasted pork from the oven
Pečena svinjetina u pećnici  / Roasted pork from the oven 

Scroll down for recipes in English...

Sastojci i recept !

Uzeti 4 - 5 kg odojka, po mogućnosti rebra, 2 -3 kg krumpira, malo masti, sol, malo vode...
I uspješno prolazi svih 5 kontrola... koje vode do užitka nad užicima!

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....

Pečena svinjetina u pećnici  / Roasted pork from the oven


 Roasted pork from the oven

Pečena svinjetina u pećnici  / Roasted pork from the oven

Ingredients and recipe!

Take 4 - 5 kg of pork, preferably ribs, 2 -3 kg of potatoes, a little fat or oil, salt, a little water ...
And successfully pass all 5 checks ... that lead to the pleasure!

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Pečena svinjetina u pećnici  / Roasted pork from the oven
