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Cherry kuglice / Cherry balls |
Ne znam kako vi birate kolače za Božić i radite li uvijek iste ?
Ja imam neke navike i kolače od kojih ne odustajem, ali volim i poneki novi vidjet na svom stolu!
Ali postoje i oni koje nikako ne smijem izostaviti, kao što su ove kuglice danas, a koje obožava moja velika princeza! A mama kao mama, ispunjava sve želje !
200 g piškota, 200 g čokolade za kuhanje, 100 g maslaca, I-2 žlice šećera u prahu, 1 žutanjak,
1 dl vrhnja za kuhanje, 3-4 žlice cherry brandy (višnjevače), 40 - tak višanja iz rakije, a može i iz kompota ali namočene u višnjevaču.
Za glazuru:
150 g čokolade za kuhanje i 1 - 2 žlice ulja
Za ukrasiti:
50 g bijele čokolade
Izmiješati žutanjak i šećer u prahu pa dodati vrhnje i kuhati 4-5 min. Dodati izlomljenu čokoladu i višnjevaču, maknuti s vatre! Miješati da se otopi i dodati maslo.
Samljeti piškote i sve izmiješati!
Oblikovati kuglice kako pokazuje video...
Kuglice staviti u led na 20 min.
Za glazuru otopiti pola čokolade na pari, maknuti i umiješati drugu polovinu ... miješati da se otopi i cijelo vrijeme držati na posudi s vodom. Glazirati i ukrasiti kuglice prema uputama na videu.
Cherry balls
I do not know how you choose cakes for Christmas, are you preparing the same cakes always?
I have some habits and cakes, of which I'm not giving up, but I love to see some new on my desk!
But there are those cakes that should not be left out, as these balls today, and that loves my big princess! A mother as a mother, fulfills all wishes!
200 g of cookies, 200 g of dark chocolate, 100 g butter, 1-2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1 egg yolk, 1 dl cooking cream, 3-4 tablespoons cherry brandy (Kirsch), 40 cherries may compoted or soaked in Kirsch.
For the glaze:
150 g of dark chocolate and 1-2 tablespoons oil
For the garnish:
50 g white chocolate
Mix the egg yolk and powdered sugar and add the cream and cook 4-5 minutes. Add the broken chocolate and cherry brandy, remove from heat! Stir to dissolve and add the butter.
Grind the cookies and mix everything!
Make balls as shown in the video ...
Balls put in ice to 20 minutes.
For the glaze melt half the chocolate steamed, remove and mix in the second half ... mix to dissolve and all the time keep the pot with water under. Glaze and decorate the balls as instructed on video.
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