Domaći kiseli kupus / Homemade sauerkraut

Domaći kiseli kupus
Domaći kiseli kupus
Scroll down for recipe in English...

Kakva bi to zima bila bez kiselog kupusa? Božićne sarme u kupusu iz marketa! Nezamislivo! 
A o zdravstvenim i nutritivnim svojstvima sigurno znate više od mene ! Ostaje vam razmisliti i krenuti u nabavu. Neka to bude jedna manja, plastična bačvica s poklopcem od 20 - 30 kg... a može i manja ! 
Na tržnici odaberite zrelije i odležale glavice, oko 15 -ak kg...

Potrebno je: 
15 kg kupusa, 500 g morske soli, papar u zrnu i listići lovora po ukusu! Suhi kukuruz u zrnu za boju...
Ja sam ovaj put odlučila kiseliti bez tih dodataka... samo sol ! Želim čist okus i salamuru koju ću moći popiti i riješiti neke želučane probleme, kao što je radila moja mama... I ne samo njih jer to je prava likarija!

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Kupus bi obavezno trebao odležati neko vrijeme... Očistiti sve oštećene i nezdrave listove. Ljepše i veće glave odvojiti i izrezati srednji dio korijena. U svaku udubinu poslije dodati žlicu soli.
Ostale glave naribati. U posudu staviti na dno šaku soli ... Staviti glavu kupusa ili dvije ako može... Okolo utisnuti ribani kupus. Količina od najmanje 2 glave... Posoliti šakicom soli. Ponavljati to dok se sve ne potroši. 
Svaki red prilično zbijati. Nakon nekog vremena će omekšati i početi puštati vodu... Ali to neće biti dovoljno, zato će trebati doliti ... Koliko, to morate procijeniti... Kad rukom pritisnete na dlanu se mora pojaviti voda.
Sad ono najljepše što mi se dogodilo i što sam naučila. Znate one plijesnive krpe, koje su bake i mame stavljale na vrh i ... 
Nema krpe i neugodnog mirisa! Ova vrećica s vodom je to riješila. Voda se razlije i oblikuje (pripije) uz stijenke bačve i spriječava dodir zraka i kupusa, a istovremeno i pritišće kao uteg... Nije potreban ni onaj famozni kamen! Hvala Kristina Hršak! Ostaje samo zatvoriti poklopac i čekati!
Nakon nekoliko dana provjeriti ima li dovoljno vode i kakva je slanost. Ako se voda zamutila znači da nije dovoljno soli! Dodati !
Za oko 40 dana imamo prvu sarmu!

Domaći kiseli kupus


Homemade sauerkraut

Homemade sauerkraut

What would winter be without sauerkraut ? Christmas cabbage rolls in cabbage from the supermarket ! Unthinkable! And on the health and nutritional properties must know more than I do ! So you'll have to think and move in procurement . Let it be a small , plastic barrel with a lid 20-30 kg ... and can lower ! At the market , select mature and aged heads , about 15 -odd kg ...

It is necessary:
15 kg of cabbage , 500 g of sea salt , peppercorns and bay leaf  to taste ! Dry corn for color ... 
I have this time decided pickled without any supplement ... just salt ! I want a clean taste and brine that will be able to drink and solve some stomach problems , as did my mother ... And not only them , because this is the cure ! 

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Cabbage should definitely allowed to rest for a while ... Clean all damaged and unhealthy leaves . Nicer and larger head detached and cut out the middle part of the roots . In each well after add a tablespoon of salt . Other heads grate . In the bottom of the barrel  put a handful of salt ... Put a head of cabbage or two if you can ... Around impressed grated cabbage . The amount of at least 2 heads ... Sprinkle a handful of salt . Repeat this until all is used up. Each row press with hand. After some time, will soften and begin to flush ... But it will not be enough , so will need to add water ... How much, it must evaluate ... When you pressed with the hand  on the palm must appear water .
Now the best that happened to me and what I have learned . You know those moldy rags , which are grandmothers and mothers put on top and ...
No rags and smelly ! This bag with water it is resolved . Water is poured and formed ( fastened ) with the barrel wall and prevents contact of air and cabbage , and at the same time as pressing the weight ... is not necessary any one famous stone ! Thank you Kristina Hršak ! It remains only to close the lid and wait ! After a few days to check if there is enough water and what is salinity . If the water is muddied means that not enough salt ! Add !
For about 40 days we have the first cabbage rolls and sauerkraut !

Homemade sauerkraut
